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St. Joseph School Hot Lunch Program

The cost of daily hot lunch is $3.00 for students and $4.25 for adults.

**If you will be visiting school and would like to eat lunch, please contact the school in the morning so they know you are coming.  


The cost of milk/juice ticket is $9.00.


**The school will notify you when your child is running low so you can send payment to school. 


About St. Joseph Hot Lunch Program

Offer vs Serve

Students participating in hot lunch must choose 3 of the 5 items served in order to have a reimbursable meal.  We encourage the students to try every item and new foods that may be served.


Free and Reduced Meals

We offer Free and Reduced Meals with proper documentation.  Forms are available in the front office or simply click on the link below.  Families may fill out an application at any time during the school year. 


Lunchroom Clean-up

Students in 5th-8th grade are required to work in the lunchroom to help do dishes, sweep floors, wipe down tables, and take out garbage.  Students will eat lunch at 11:20 on the days they are scheduled to work the lunch shift.  A schedule will be arrange monthly.  


St. Joseph School Wellness Policy

The St. Joseph Parish Education Commission has adopted a Wellness Policy on Physical Activity and Nutrition as is required by the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act.  The entire document is on file in the principal's office and parents are welcome to request a copy of the entire document and ask questions at any time


St. Joseph School Wellness Policy


USDA Nondiscrimination Statement


Free and Reduced Lunch Application


If you have any questions about the hot lunch program, please email JoEllen at



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