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About the Parish

St. Joseph Parish, established in 1847 and is the only remaining 19th century church in its original state in Hazel Green/ Sinsinawa, Wisconsin. In addition, the church has become a visual landmark for the community.

Historically, this building is significant to the religion and social development of Sinsinawa. The Roman Catholic Church was established by Father Samuel Mazzuchelli. Mazzuchelli, who had started a mission and school at Sinsinawa Mound, about three miles west of Hazel Green, conducted mass at a Mr. Hinch's house, south of the original village site prior to 1845. In 1846, a brick church was built at the present site. It was completed in 1847. Father Samuel Mazzuchelli remained as pastor until he moved to Benton in 1847. Mazzuchelli was assisted by his nephew Francis Mazzuchelli.

The Catholic Church was initially a mission church of Sinsinawa Mound, and prelates residing at Sinsinawa conducted services at Hazel Green (later St. Francis de Sales). Hazel Green received a resident priest in 1866. For a three year period from 1877 to 1880, Hazel Green again became a mission church of Sinsinawa and was where services were conducted by the Dominican fathers.

Weekend Masses

St. Joseph Church - Sinsinawa, WI

Sunday morning at 8:30 am

St. Francis de Sales - Hazel Green, WI

Saturday evening at 4:30 pm

Sunday morning at 10:15 am

Other Services

Sacrament of Penance

As announced in bulletin. Anytime upon request.


During any weekend Mass or following Sunday Liturgy.


Arrangements are to be made at the rectory at least six months prior to the intended date.

New Parishioners

We welcome you to our Parish family. Please stop in to register.

Religious Education Programs

  • Sunday's through out the school year from 9:00 am to 10:05 am
  • Elementary Grades Program - Grades 1st thru 4th - Wednesdays throughout the school year
  • Middle Grades Program - Grades 5th thru 8th - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm and
  • High School Youth Program - 7:45 pm to 9:00 pm

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